Wednesday, November 27, 2013

November 27, 2013 Clinical Update

Hello, lovely (thankful) students!

Just a few quick reminders as you're getting ready for the end of the semester. EVERYONE currently enrolled in CLNC 100 needs to complete the clinical handbook quiz before the end of the semester. If you attended a clinical orientation session, that covers this assignment. Make sure you are familiar with the requirements of your program--download and read the clinical handbook and take the quiz!

If you're in a clinical placement, you'll need to turn in your evaluations at the end of the term. Download them from the Clinical Program tab now and avoid the rush!

I've had a lot of questions lately about Getting Approved for Primary Births, so I put together this little summary:
Take a look!

There are no more clinical rounds during December, but they will return in January. If you'd like to present, let me know--I have spaces open in January and February!

Finally, this is BIG, BIG news. I now have a direct office phone number! I can now be reached during office hours and by appointment--message me for the number. This is not my personal cell phone, so no more dire warnings about the consequences of calling me in the middle of the night! Huzzah!

All the best--I am grateful for you!

Sarah Carter

Friday, November 22, 2013

International Clinical Placement Policy

In considering International Clinical Placements, Midwives College of Utah expects that student midwives will show cultural humility and sensitivity in all their interactions with clients, regardless of locality. We further expect that clinical field faculty (preceptors) and sites approved by Midwives College of Utah will be accountable, honest and demonstrate the utmost respect for all clients, student midwives and practicing midwives, in accordance with the Midwives Model of Care, which is and has always been the standard we set for midwifery education. Transparency, cultural appropriateness and primacy of client care are expected of all clinical sites, regardless of location.

Students planning to pursue Clinical Placement outside of their country of residence*:
1. Must fulfill the normal requirements for students in clinical placement (enrolled in CLNC 100, accepted to the Clinical Program, etc.)
2. Must have completed SOSC 150 (Cultural Competency) with the International Clinical Study module (requiring 10-20 hours of class work) before leaving for their clinical placement. For students planning international placements before May 1, 2013, speak to the Clinical Dean about accommodations for this requirement.
3. Must meet with the Clinical Dean or a clinical department staff member before and after their international placement to discuss appropriate behavior in placement and debrief their experience.
*Traveling between the US and Canada will not be considered “outside their country of residence” due to the strong cultural similarities between the two nations in this case. If you are traveling to a country you feel is culturally very similar to your home country, you can ask for an exclusion of this requirement.

Clinical Field Faculty (Preceptors) or Clinical Sites outside of the United States and Canada:
1. Must fulfill the typical requirements for clinical field faculty and sites. All documentation must be in English or translated into English by a reliable source.
2. Preceptors or site directors must complete an interview explaining how they work with local birth attendants, respect cultural norms, practice informed consent for care (especially care provided by visiting student midwives), how possible conflict between student/preceptor or student/student will be resolved, how they recognize autonomy of their clients (including offering choice and alternatives), how they measure their accountability to the community they serve and how students will be trained on cultural differences during their placement.

We reserve the right to revoke approval of a clinical site or preceptor at any time if they are found to be practicing outside the Midwives Model of Care, or showing disrespect for a client, student or midwife's culture, color, religion, education, socioeconomic status, or other difference. We encourage students who witness such behavior, whether in a single instance or in systemic ways, to prioritize the rights of clients and midwifery as a whole over their individual needs for development and learning, and to speak up about injustice, addressing concerns directly to their field instructors and to the clinical department with an eye toward improvement and strengthening midwifery culture as a whole.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November 12, 2013 Update

Hello, ladies!
As you've seen, the new International Clinical Placement policy is out. Please contact me if you have questions!

Also, as we approach the end of the semester, I've had several questions about what needs to be turned in. Really simply, if you haven't been in clinical placement this semester, you don't need to turn anything in. If you've completed your Clinical Handbook quiz or Orientation session, you're in good shape. Make sure you understand the Clinical Application process and do the Preparations for a Successful Field Study before you start your first Clinical Placement. You're in good shape!

If you are in Clinical Placement or have done clinical work this semester, you need to turn in the following items:
+ Statement of Clinical Progress-(with your most current log forms, if possible)
+ Student Self-Evaluation-This is an excellent tool for you to look back on the work you've done and look forward to your next step. I strongly encourage students to have a conversation with their preceptors about the questions on this form. If you would like to set up an appointment for a phone interview in place of this form, let me know and we'll set a date for the end of the term.
+ Student Evaluation of Preceptor (yes, please fill one out for each preceptor if you have more than one, and the reverse is also true--if you have more than one preceptor, please ask them each to evaluate you).
+ Preceptor Evaluation of Student (they can send this to me directly if preferred).
All of these forms are downloadable as a group on the Clinical Program tab as "Evaluation Forms" for your convenience!
Say what?

EVERYONE should have completed the Clinical Handbook assignment by now. If you didn't attend a Clinical Orientation session, download and read the Clinical Handbook and take the quiz. There will be more Clinical Orientation sessions scheduled in January--you don't have to be a new student to attend--all students are welcome!

Finally, don't miss Clinical Rounds next Tuesday, November 19th at 7 pm Mountain time zone. Lindsay Kinman will be presenting a case I hear is very exciting! 

Hope to see you all there!
Sarah Carter