Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Clinical Update May 13, 2014

Whew! Made it through the first week--now it's time to get down to business! I have a couple items of which I'd like you to be aware.

Bulletin Board
We have a bulletin board for CLNC 100 now where you can find up to date information about upcoming live sessions, links to helpful videos and post questions for me to answer or helpful tips for your classmates! There is also the Clinical Training Opportunities board, full of (you guessed it) Clinical Training Opportunities! Check it out!

Upcoming Live Sessions
Wednesday, May 14 @ 11:00am - Starting Clinical Placement (what you need to know about preceptors, applying to the program, and filling out paperwork as a student)
Wednesday, May 21 @ 9:00am - Clinical Orientation (introduction to the clinical program, required for new students)
Wednesday, May 28 @ 11:00am - Preparing to Apply for the NARM (how to apply for the NARM, change to electronic testing, completing the clinical requirements)
All times are Mountain Daylight Time Zone, and these sessions will be repeated during the semester.

Finally, I just want to thank everyone for their patience this week as I try to keep up with emails and messages. This is a very busy period and I'm not ignoring anyone, but some requests do take time to answer, so thank you for being patient with me.

Happy Summer!
Sarah Carter

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Clinical Update May 6, 2014

Welcome to Summer Semester! Join me on the beach. I have new flipflops. We have lots of exciting live sessions happening this summer ---> see schedule over here.

There's no beach in Utah. Sorry. BUT, to review from last semester, with the new NARM electronic testing you can apply whenever you're ready and they will start assigning test dates when you are approved. If you've finished your clinical requirements and are within 6 months of graduation, download the Request for NARM Testing and send in your paperwork!
Don't forget as you sip your icy drink by the pool, Office Hours are Friday mornings (9-11 am Mountain time) and also, Clinical Placement Opportunities are now posted on the Bulletin Board: Clinical Training Opportunities. I will no longer be messaging these to you, so when you're looking for a placement, check the bulletin board!
Finally, I am still looking for students to present at Clinical Rounds this summer. What do you think? Sun in your hair, sand in your toes and a great presentation on a great prenatal, intrapartum or postpartum case. What could be more sensational?

Happy Summertime!
Sarah Carter