Monday, April 6, 2015

Clinical Update: April 6, 2015

Happy Spring!
This Clinical Update comes to you in 3 parts, brimming with new life.

First, this Thursday, April 9 at 12 noon MDT, Rita Willis will be presenting at Clinical Rounds on Marijuana Use During Pregnancy. Make sure you've viewed the clinical rounds Ground Rules before attending.

Second, the End of Semester Evaluations are going on online! Kaylee will be sending you links later this week, so watch for that! If you already filled out or had your preceptor fill out the paper evals, that's ok, we'll accept them. But look for the new online version!

On the bulletin board, there are several Clinical Placement Opportunities listed. Take a look! And You can find a series of Helpful Tips from recent graduates on our blog:

Two weeks left of the semester--I wish you all the best and if you're in clinical placement, don't forget your end of semester evaluations!