Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Clinical Update July 29, 2015

The dog days of summer, indeed!

Just a few reminders as we approach the last few weeks of the semester:
1. New Students (and old students too)
Make sure you've completed CLNC 100's orientation questions from the clinical handbook (Section 2) before the semester ends. You can use the recorded Clinical Orientation videos in Class Files for help!

2. Upcoming Clinical Rounds
Wednesday, August 5, 2015 at 12 noon MDT, Jen Bertagnole presenting on Urachus. This will be the last clinical rounds for this semester. I am taking reservations for September and October if you are planning to present during Fall Semester--just send me a message with the week you'd like to present and your case topic.

3. NARM Requirements Update
NARM has recently updated their requirements to include this:
"Regardless of when a student started the program, ... a minimum of 10 of the 25 Primary Under Supervision births must be attended in the US or Canada regardless of route of entry. (effective date for MEAC students- January 1, 2016)"

For most of our students, this makes no difference at all, but if you are an international student (outside the US or Canada) or otherwise have questions about how this policy change may affect you, please contact me ASAP and we can talk about your situation. If I've already contacted you and we've already talked about it, nothing has changed!

4. End of Semester
Don't forget, if you're in clinical placement, you need to complete the end of semester "paperwork" online and your preceptor(s) should complete their evaluations of you, online or on paper if they prefer. Turning in evaluations on time means Kaylee and I can spend our semester break with cold fruity drinks in our hands and our feet in a pool. Or, at least that we don't have to send reminder emails and clinical warning notices to students.

Have a fantastic rest of your summer!