It's what Winnie the Pooh would call "a blustery day" in northern Utah today, leaves and clouds blowing around in the wind, rain will arrive before too long and hopefully clear out in time for trick or treating this weekend.
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1. Upcoming Events
We have 3 upcoming Clinical Rounds in November and they all look fascinating. Learn from real cases, taught by real student midwives! Come to Clinical Rounds!
*Wednesday, November 4, 2015 at 11:00am MST: Ananda Morehead-Retained Membranes
*Wednesday, November 11, 2015 at 12:00pm MST: Hollie Moyer-Anti-C Isoimmunization in pregnancy
*Wednesday, November 18 at 11:00am MST: Rachel Maxim-Velamentous Cord Insertion
2. Guests at Clinical Rounds
While we're on the topic--sometimes preceptors or other non-MCU students are interested in coming to Rounds. This is just fine, but please, rather than just giving them the login information, ask them to contact me via my external email:
I can give them the login info and make sure they know what to expect and how to participate appropriately. We want this to be a learning experience for our students, first and foremost, and include other students and midwives where we can.
3. Clinical Training Opportunities
Several new clinical training opportunities are posted on the bulletin board "Clinical Training Opportunities"--check them out!
4. State by State Project
We have 9 states up at now, and I have 8 more (Illinois, West Virginia, Indiana, Virginia, Ohio, Arizona, Florida and Washington) in process. I would love to get Oregon, New Mexico, Wyoming and Idaho to finish the Western US. Then we can fill in the Midwest (which is looking GREAT--thanks!) and get to work on the southern states and New England. If you'd like to help, the format is as follows:
So You Want to be a Midwife in …. <name of state>
Licensure/Registration: <what credential is offered, if any>
Application Website: <a link to the government website>
Additional requirements beyond CPM credential: <short explanation>
Other Things to Know: <links to state association or advocacy organization if available, other things to be aware of>
Thank you for being fantastic students and people,
Sarah Carter