Friday, May 22, 2015

Clinical Update May 22, 2015

Welcome to Summer!
Hopefully you're enjoying your semester and making time for relaxing fun over this long weekend. It's been an unusually wet spring in Utah and we're looking forward to some sun! This clinical update comes to you in seven very special parts.

1. Clinical Orientation
For new students (and students who'd like a review), one more session of Clinical Orientation is still available: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 10:00 AM MDT. See your upcoming events board for details and the link to sign up.
If you are unable to attend a live orientation, you can download and view a recording (in Class Documents for CLNC 100, under Recorded Live Sessions).

2. Optional Live Sessions
We also have 2 optional Live Sessions being scheduled for later this month. They are for specific situations, so if they seem applicable to you this semester, please plan to attend. They will be recorded for later viewing as well!
-Starting Your Clinical Placement
This is a session for students who are starting or about to start their first clinical placement. We'll go over applying to the clinical program, preceptor approval, clinical training agreements and filling out log forms.
-Preparing for Primary Births
This is a session for students who are hoping to start primary births in the next year. We'll go over what classes, skills and forms need to be sent in to be approved for primary births, and what forms students will want to have once they begin that phase.

3. Clinical Training Opportunities
Check the bulletin board titled Clinical Training Opportunities--I’m always posting new opportunities around the country for students seeking clinical placement. In the last month we've seen clinical opportunities in Oregon, Washington, Michigan and I just posted another in Virginia.

4. Upcoming Rounds Sessions
Tuesday, June 16, 2015 at 11:00 am MDT ViviAnne Fischer will be presenting and Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at 10:00 am MDT Karin Peacock will be presenting. See the Upcoming events bulletin boards for signup links to these presentation. There was a Clinical Rounds scheduled for next week, but we needed to move it to July 1. These are going to be great presentations--please plan to join us if you can!

5. OFFICE HOURS this semester will be Mondays from 1-3 pm Mountain time (although not Memorial Day!). You can also call our shiny new clinical extension and someone from the clinical department will respond to you ASAP.

6. Just a reminder, all of your “assignments” for CLNC 100 and any lab classes should be uploaded via the class as PDF files if possible. If you need to send a file you can’t upload or send multiple files, please send them to Clinical Dean Assistant (Kaylee Ridd).

7. Finally: You can visit the Clinical Department blog for updates like these as well as helpful tips, events and news. The address is: and I highly recommend bookmarking or subscribing to it--it has pictures!