Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Clinical Update: January 12, 2016

Welcome to Winter Semester, all you wonderful students. It's cold and icy outside, but seeing you arrive online ready to learn and make the world a better place warms my heart.

Photo courtesy of National Parks Service: Winter in Bryce Canyon
New Clinical Handbook and International Clinical Placement Exception Policy!
The new Clinical Handbook, updated for 2016 is now available for download in the Clinical Program page, along with the long awaited International Clinical Placement Exception Policy. The new handbook has much more up to date information and supersedes previous handbooks, so please look to it for questions. It even has an FAQ in the back for your convenience.

Upcoming Live Events and Live Office Hours
Clinical Orientation (required for first semester students, recommended for anyone who wants a reminder or update on clinical requirements):
or Wednesday, January 20, 2016 at 2:00 pm Mountain Time
or Monday, February 1, 2016 at 12:00 pm Mountain Time

Starting Your Clinical Placement (take this before or as you start your first clinical placement):
Wednesday, January 13, 2016 at 11:00 am Mountain Time

Preparing for Primary Births (take this BEFORE you plan to start primary births):
Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at 12:00 pm Mountain Time

Applying for the NARM Exam (take this if you're planning to graduate/apply for the NARM exam this semester or next):
Tuesday, January 26, 2016 at 12:00 pm Mountain Time

I'm trying something new this semester with office hours. As in the past, I'll be reachable by phone and email during office hours (Mondays from 1-3 pm Mountain), but on January 11 and January 25, I'll have a live session available for people to "drop in" with their questions and I can answer them on screen. Maybe better? We'll try it and see. The login for these sessions is on your Upcoming Events calendar.
Photo courtesy of Andrew Vargas, CC license, Well-clothed Baby
Clinical Rounds

We have one Clinical Rounds session planned already: Tiffani Hoffman will be presenting on Trachea and Esophagus Fistula 
Tuesday, January 26, 2016 at 11:00am Mountain Time

Make sure you view the ground rules session online if you haven't attended rounds before and if you are a student who would like to present a case (recommended for students in their primary phase, required before graduation) please contact me to schedule your session!


Finally, we've declared 2016 the Year of the Preceptor. This gives us an entire year to focus on appreciating and building the field faculty that help all our students learn and grow. If you are in a clinical placement, will you please take a moment this week to let your preceptor know how much you appreciate her (or his) hard work and experience and the time they put into teaching you. Gratitude matters!