Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Clinical Update: April 6, 2016

Well, here comes the end of the semester--I trust you're all working away on finishing projects and class assignments.

Photo courtesy of Redsimon (Creative Commons) 
Don't forget to complete your end-of-semester evaluations (if you did any clinical experiences this semester). And as always, if you've been accepted to the clinical rpogram but have NOT done any clinical experiences this semester, you only need to complete the Statement of Clinical Progress.

A quick note: when you email Kaylee or I to see if a preceptor is approved, please include the preceptor(s) NAMES, not just the name of the site or practice. Sometimes preceptors leave or join a practice over time, so if we tell you that, yes, the midwives at "Awesome Birth Center" are approved, but we have Jana, Kim and Leslie down, and now Kim, Wendy and Jennifer work there--that's going to cause problems for you down the road. So please include the first and last names of preceptors you'd like us to check. Thanks!

Before we finish this semester, we do have two sessions of Clinical Rounds coming up:
Wednesday, April 13 at 12:00pm Mountain Time Clinical Rounds-Stefanie Huisman-Breastfeeding Jaundice
Thursday, April 14 at 11:00am Mountain Time Clinical Rounds-Tracy Cuneo-Fetal Arrhythmia

FINALLY--if you have not yet completed your Clinical Handbook assignment (questions over the Clinical Handbook)--DO IT NOW. You must have this completed by the end of this semester so we can move your records for this class over to Canvas and we don't want to leave anyone behind!

Happy Spring and Happy End of Term!