Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Clinical Update: March 4, 2015

Hello, students! I am at the conference this week and celebrating our wonderful 35th year as a school. Last night we had a record 31 graduates honored and I got to personally congratulate 6 of them!

We also are hosting wonderful classes (like Neonatal Resuscitation!) and meeting lots of students in person. I'm getting excited already for June and hope to see many of you there--Utah is beautiful in the summer.

We do now have a full set of recorded live sessions in the class documents for CLNC 100: Clinical Orientation, Starting Your Clinical Placement, Preparing for Primary Births and Applying for the NARM exam. You can download and watch/listen to them any time you like! We'll offer live sessions of these each again next semester, but any time you need a refresher, it's there!

Kaylee and I are working on a Clinical FAQ document. Look for our post on the bulletin board where we're collecting questions people frequently need answers for!

Looking forward, there is a session of Clinical Rounds scheduled for April 9--Rita Willis will be presenting on Marijuana Use in Pregnancy. Make sure before attending your first session of clinical rounds, make sure you have viewed the clinical rounds ground rules session.

Finally, I am still taking submissions for Clinical Rounds in Summer Term: June, July and August. If you'd like to present, please contact me soon!

Have a wonderful week!